Thursday, July 26, 2012

Self Note

Dear Self,

Focus on things you can control.

1. Diet - Aim less than or at least 55 kg.

2. Attitude - Positive, be more organized, feel good about yourself.

3. Focus - Present for better future, InsyaAllah.

Keep moving. Be productive.

Beautiful Soul (acewah, =P)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Terbang ke Syurga

That is the title for today's Ramadhan tazkirah.

Yeah, my company is that cool to have a tazkirah session during lunch for this whole Ramadhan.

The invited ustaz is Ustaz Ahmad Dusuki. And his tazkirah make me thinking of something. I wish I can share with you the whole session.

Well, the point that touch my heart the most is.....

I rarely forget there is life beyond this. I mean, we as muslim have an after life. I always pray focusing on things I want in life but not what I want after-life.

It hit me.

Jannah supposed to be the aim in life. Not material things. I need to remind myself for that.

"Bring me to Jannah". Now only I understand why the bride and groom keep saying this. Because the purpose of our life is for after life. And it is sweet to bring the whole family to Jannah.

That's about it. But then again, life need to be balance. Dunia pun penting. Akhirat lagi penting.

The call is in us. We never perfect.

Have a nice berbuka time peeps. :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Feel so wrong

My Friday went wrong today.

1. I woke up late and due to that I was rushing and I chose to wore something I never did before. It turn out weird and I manage to reach office before time anyway.

2. I feel down due to certain things that bothering me. On the way back, I saw a beautiful rainbow greet me on the way back home.

Life throw me unpleasantness sometimes but at the end of it, there is something beautiful awaits for me. I believe that.

I also believe that everything happen for a reason.

We can only plan but Allah is the master plan. And no doubt His plan is the best. =)

I love this feeling. The feeling to leave it all to Allah while I am doing my best here to survive and achieve something each day.

My boss always said this to me, "Hanya yang terbaik akan dapat you". It cheer my heart a bit.

For now, I just need to focus on myself. When I watched Bridesmaid last 2 days, I can see myself in Annie's shoes. I just need to get up and fight.

Sorry for the negative entry. I just need to let it out. Maybe its near the time of the month and I hope I'll be forgiven.



Ramadhan approaching us soon... really soon! And this year around, I feel excited than ever! I can't wait to make a full use of holy month. I hope everyone will too. :)

Last 2 days, I met one of my bestfriend in MRSM Taiping and oh, boy, we had a nice catching up session! It's good to see her and we change our stories like nobody's business. She's still pretty like always, I mean she's the hottest girl back in my school. Come on! And I hope things will be better and awesome for both of us for things we desired in life.

Random, I love all my infinity friend so much! They're awesome friend! Glad we have group chat in whatsapp. ;) Rasa macam setiap hari cakap dengan dorank and feel so close.

Ok. Back to the story.

Last night, my workplace had organized solat jemaah and tazkirah as preparation to celebrate ramadhan. The event went well and I am just glad to see all of us solat together and enjoying the food provided. I can't wait to tarawikh with the family at Masjid Negeri. Yeay!

I want to share with you from the ustaz yesternight. The saying goes something like this,

"Banyakkan bertaubat di bulan Ramadhan ni. Rasullah pernah bersabda, banyakkan bertaubat di bulan Ramadhan, In shaa Allah, Allah murahkan rezeki kalau kita yakin."

Hopefully. :)

And lastly, Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan. Semoga Ramadhan tahun ini lebik baik dari sebelumnya. Amin.

See ya!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Little Notes

Hi. Happy Monday.

Believe it is possible to solve your problem. Tremendous things happen to the believer. So believe the answer will come. It will. - Norman Vincent Peale

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones that you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. – Mark Twain


1. Believe
2. It will come
3. Take risk
4. Explore. Dream. Discover

What's Next.

1. Believe and double my effort for things I want.
2. Have faith & pray harder.
3. Continue study - MBA

Its been 2 years since I start off my career. I need time out. I want OUT for better things.

Dear Allah, only you knew what's inside of me...


Sunday, July 15, 2012

To whom it may concern

I need:

1. Attention
2. Diamond
3. Pearl


lots of good food.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mayor of Tokyo City

Scene: After watching Spiderman

Me: I suka spiderman tadi. It was awesome! I love the character Gwen so much! She's hot and sexy. Emma Stone is my new favourite.

Him: Tula. Dia pernah berlakon cerita apa eh? Emma Watson tu?

Me: Emma Watson? Emma Stone laaa. Emma Watson tu Harry Potter oi!

Him: Haha. Silap. Selamat I cakap Emma Watson, bukan Erma Fatima.

Me:...........................(typical him)......................................

Anyway, I always have crush on smart blonde. And also smart brunette. Doesn't matter, I just adore pretty girls!

Dream, Hope and Believe

Happy Tuesday y'all.

I had a great weekend and hopefully this week days will be great too. :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July Already

What a day.

First of all, salam nisfu syaaban. Hari ni kita dah start buku amalan baru, so, let's become a better person, shall we?

Secondly, I was buried with work today as I have to chasing up dateline for upcoming project. It can be a pain in the ass most of the time sometime. Earlier this morning, I had to attend a meeting with group director of marketing & branding. At first, I was not confident as my boss is not there to support me and the director is an expatriates. I just can imagine if he ask me something that I cannot answered. Alhamdullilah, the thing went well despite there's a lot of things need to be done after that. I can say I am proud of myself for that. =) I manage to answer all his questions!

Thirdly, I had a misunderstanding with my colleagues. It happen so quickly and I think I hurt someone's feeling. I had no intention to that at all. But you cannot take back what's been done and said. Lesson learn, think before you speak and do something.

Fourthly, the boyfriend is not in the mood and so am I. This one sucks anyway.

So that's it. Recap of the day.

Nite all.

Monday, July 2, 2012


Happy Monday y'all. Monday is uniform day. So, hello uniform. This is totally pointless.

Note to self - DIET pleaseee!

Annd my diet start today, officially.
