Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Terbang ke Syurga

That is the title for today's Ramadhan tazkirah.

Yeah, my company is that cool to have a tazkirah session during lunch for this whole Ramadhan.

The invited ustaz is Ustaz Ahmad Dusuki. And his tazkirah make me thinking of something. I wish I can share with you the whole session.

Well, the point that touch my heart the most is.....

I rarely forget there is life beyond this. I mean, we as muslim have an after life. I always pray focusing on things I want in life but not what I want after-life.

It hit me.

Jannah supposed to be the aim in life. Not material things. I need to remind myself for that.

"Bring me to Jannah". Now only I understand why the bride and groom keep saying this. Because the purpose of our life is for after life. And it is sweet to bring the whole family to Jannah.

That's about it. But then again, life need to be balance. Dunia pun penting. Akhirat lagi penting.

The call is in us. We never perfect.

Have a nice berbuka time peeps. :)

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