Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tudung - How & Why

Hello again,

I read back my last post about wearing tudung and I am scared some of people will be offended. Well, so today, I just want to share how and why the sudden change.

1. The thought of wearing tudung had been linger in my mind since few months ago. I keep watching youtube on scarf tutorial. Whenever I go out, I keep on looking to girls wearing tudung and look highly on them. I mean they still look pretty without showing off their hair.

2. The thought of becoming a better person is always there. I try my best to keep 5x prayer. My parents never missed it since they were young and I wonder why its not becoming a habit of mine? Even though I did my prayer, I still feel incomplete. I know I always give praise to Allah, but my heart doesn't feel right because I did not obey His rules. So, I said to myself, just do it!

3. I share my feeling of wearing tudung with few good friend of mine. They give support and encouragement and also tips of wearing them. I feel scared whenever there were stories about lifeafter and judgement day. Dah la banyak dosa nak tangung. Makin banyak kalau tak pakai tudung. Atleast orang yang pakai tudung tu dah tercover sikit dosa. We're human. Never perfect. So, it our duty to cover the flaw.

4. I had a big fight with Amir. I thought I never had a chance with him. And suddenly he ask me to start wearing tudung like right away. I was shocked and tak sangka he would ask me to do that. That makes me love him even more. Don't get me wrong ya. I did not wear because of him. I know he's not my husband yet. He just fastening the process of covering my hair. That's it.

5. I love my dad. Most of my sisters wearing tudung. Why shouldn't I? So, I don't want to burden him even more. And I cover it. And I swear he's the happiest person when he see me wearing one. :)

Life did not change much after wearing them. I am still the same person. I am still that girl who love sexy things like that. Hehe. Life ni kena balance. Dunia & Akhirat. We are lucky taw sebab banyak gila kot tudung yang cantik and more fashion for us. Plus, its like a trend already. Tak kesah la you ikhlas atau tak pakai tudung sebab kalau kita orang yang baik, kalau kita percaya Allah and obey all His rules, that feeling will come naturally.

If you haven't start wearing tudung, please, don't feel bad about yourself. You're still a good person. Keep on looking for Allah's bless, than one day, you will get the feeling. Keep on reading. Keep on searching.

Until then. Bye. :)

1 comment:

jen azmy said...

go naz! im proud of u! xpayah rase bersalah or malu bila buat benda yg betul. :)