Sunday, March 4, 2012

March Madness

So many things....

I am effin scared as I have few projects to handle and by end of this March, it will be over. But between the time, I am super-effin-crazeh scared coz I feel like my project will doom. :(

Random thought.

1. I feel like wearing scarf or tudung.. It's been awhile actually that I feel that way.. I mean, bila lagi? Sampai bila?

2. It is easy to fall in love, to jump into a new relationship than keeping it. I see couple of my friends moving on to new relationship and its kinda make me sad. I am still in relationship with my hunnyb. Its been tough, and it makes both of us stronger and understand each other better. We learned and it will be a good preparation for us to face tougher challenges in the future.

The truth is, nothing really last forever. Even the married get divorce. We can only pray and at the same time be a better person and always improve ourselves. I remember mum told me she never stop praying in her every prayer that she and my dad would last forever since the day they tie the knot until now. I should do the same.

3. I feel like moving on from my current workplace. It's not that I don't like it there, but I feel like it's time to seek other opportunities may offer. But not in current time.

4. I am 25. But people will say, "Aw, you still young" but I wonder why I don't feel that way.

5. I am broke. Like no saving and in debt. But still I love good and expensive food. Yes, I spend most of my income to dine out to a fancy restaurant. No wonder Iam gemuk. Isk. Isk. Must change!

6. I feel like I am in a maze of life. Still confuse and moving on to find a way out.

7. In the end, everything will be alright... Everything will be fine.. So, just chill, make the best of it and pray. Pray. Pray. Never stop praying. Never stop giving up.

Goodnight good people! :)

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