Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My 2011


Wow! Its 2012 already! And I am just glad and welcoming new year. Yeay!

2011 in memories.. A year where there was a lot of changes happen in my life. Alhamdullilah I survived and the experiences was pricless.

In recap, 2011 good and bad.

1. Finally I was transferred back to my hometown. This is the biggest thing that happen as I hope everyday there will be miracle and it did happen. :)

2. My new posting is related to my course back in uni. I always wanted to be a part of the team for marketing planning and I am in. Ideas are crutial and as well as the timeline. This is just actually a beginning for my future career path. (the environment was stressful)

3. Actually, I am just glad I was posted in Sarawak. It truly test my potential physically and mentally. I met and make friends with people that I never thought I would. It was a GREAT experience and memories. I would never forget that.

4. My love relationship facing a great turmoil. We survive however and as for this new year, we had a great start. :D I hope this would last forever. Thanks darling for everything. The confession bring a big relief. I love you even more now. Oh, we had a great time celebrating our 4th anniversary together. *wink wink*

5. Our ICC group manage to compete at national level. The exposure was beyond my expectation and I feel lucky to be a part of it.

6. I spend my earning money too much this year! As for consequences, I have to be in a really tight budget this 2012. Sedih... :'(

7. I manage to cross off most of my 2011 hopes & dreams. Alhamdullilah.. Carry on for the next 2012 new list of hopes & dreams.

8. I had attend many events at the hotels. Best part is makan sedap. wee woo. The un-best part is badan naik. Erk.

I guess that is all the highlight of my 2011. List banyak-banyak pun bukan ada orang baca. Hehe.

Ok. See ya in the next entry of 2012.

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