Monday, February 8, 2010

Lomo "magic camera"

Last night, I went for late supper with Amir and suddenly, we had the conversation about polaroid camera. When I was a kid, I was fascinated with polaroid. I think it was a "magic camera" (i still do now). How fast technology swap away film camera with digital one.

Masa kecik2 dulu ada smartshop jual polaroid. Ala, smartshop tu jual barang kat TV. Pergh. Time tuh rasa nak call je number kat skrin TV nak beli camera tuh. Huhu. Tapi takut kena marah dgn ayah, so, hanya mampu berangan je la.

Tadi, I browse around the net, and I baru found out bout lomo camera. Im not a camera nerd, so my knowledge about camera is zero. But I do know I have fallin in love with those babies. I think banyak je kat web lain jual mende alah ni. But, I taw yang ni je. Tak salah kat +wondermilk pun ada gak. Call me late, tapi I mmg baru tahu. ;)
Banyak jenis camera ni, tapi Im not even an amatur, nanti cakap takut salah. Tapi semua pun cute!! Aaaaaaaa.......................................

Sungguh comel.. saya nak...

Ini pun sama....

keychain camera

Polaroid, plg saya nak!!

So, people, korank check sendirila kat website dia. pun comel. Harga pun ok la.

p/s- teringat pulak rancangan globo loco, gameshow budak2. hee~


Anonymous said...

Polaroid camera always being among the coolest camera ever.
You get the pix in hardcopy version instantly.
Who'll say no to this one?


Bukan Primadona said...

haha. yep2. mase kecik2 slalu rase dy magic sbb boleh terus keluar pic. u terer camera2 ni. unlike me!