Friday, October 30, 2009


Pic credit to paul farnham

I never in love with examination. God, why examination even exist in the educational system? I cant wait for my next paper to finish because I'VE GOT DVD MARATHON to finish!!!

Im a super nerd with a fat belly right now. Studying makes me fat. Don't blame me.

Goodnight people. I love you!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I just realise one thing. Most of my favourite band are 'a-girl-and-all-boys' band.

  • The Cardigan
  • The Cranberries
  • No Doubt
  • The Bird and The Bees
  • Blonde Redhead
  • Black Eyed Peas
  • Mocca
  • Estrella

And I love a girl singer with attitude.

  • Lily Allen
  • Gwen stefani
  • Katy Perry
  • Zooey
  • Lenka
  • Tegan and Sara
  • Aly and AJ
I love songs with a hush-hush girly voice. Oh. Such a girly, lassie, damsel I am. Woosh~~

Kenapa nak benci?

I had read a quote that say:

"If someone hate you, it simply because of 2 reasons, either you did something to them or they are just plainly jelous with you."

But I didn't agree with it. What if I hate someone is simply because of their attitude? They did nothing to me and I have nothing to be jelous of that person. Sometime I just hate people for no specific reason. I mean, I just dont like that person. The word hate is quite harsh for me. Im a mellow person, remember? ;)

Enoughla with this. Tak world peace langsung kan? hee..

Ok. Ok. Tiba2 rasa hari ni nak meluahkan perasaan. Im not a kind of person who like the whole world to know how I feel. But today its exeption. Btw, takdela the whole world read my blog pun. Mgkn tiada lgsg kot orang baca kecuali myself. Haha.

Sebenarnye bagus meluahkan persaan. Semua orang ade bad days kan? So normal lah. So far, I tak pernah baca blog org yang entry dia always je happy. Mesti ade yg down.

I hate myself sometime. My mood is easily affected by my other half. I hate it when it happen. Why can't I just be happy while he's not? Ah, benci!! When this thing happen, I always ask myself, 'can we keep it up with each other?' or 'is he really the one?' banyak suara2 jahat di kotak fikiran.

But amazingly, all this suara jahat will dissapear when I think about us deeply. Entahla...

Sampai bila suara2 jahat ni terus meracuni fikiran? itu yang kita tak tahu.

Bila sedih2 macam ni, automaticly rindu rumah and family. Hebat kan kuasa keluarga? Takde support system sehebat family.

Kesimpulannya, korang simpulkan sendiri ye. Goodnite everyone! Muachx!

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Bersama rakan-rakan branding class di layar gerila

Lama betol tak update. Gosh. This sem mmg tekejar2 dateline and non stop keje. Time awal sem rileks sgt plak. Duh! Malasla nak tulis panjang2, so I keep it short, ok?

1. My car accident! Pos laju bodo reverse tak tgk blakang n hit my kelisa. Dah la he refuse to pay, then p la wat report. Malangnya no plat van pos laju selepas di trace menjadi kereta wira. wth? Mmg dah nasib...

2. My study week sgt pack sampai nak men game pun xboleh. Tekejar sana sini. From jb to kl to jb. Keje x jugak siap2. But now, Alhamdullilah, semua dah settle!

3. Raya tahun ni paling byk jalan p open house. Best! Event branding class pun menjadi. Fuh. Lega seyh!

4. Cuti ni mmg kena jumpe my frens yg lama dah diabaikan. Wajib bertemu!

5. Movie yang nak ditgk - 500 days of summer, cloudy with a chance of meatball, pisau cukur. Seb bek sempat tgk papadom arituh. Kelakar!

6. Bli dvd gossip girl s2, desperate housewife s5 and ugly betty s3. Tak sabar nk tgk!

7. Final exam.......malasnye nak study..........

Goodluck everyone yang amek exam!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sangat Busy

This 2 last week is really damn heavy, hectic, a lot of work, full of stress week.

I hope it will turn out just fine after this.

p/s - i miss having a good quality time with my boy. i miss my family too!

Friday, October 9, 2009


Kalau ada magic, saya nak invisible cloack. Macam dalam Harry Potter. So, saya boleh buat apa saje tapi orang tak tahu. Saya nak jadi stalker.


I take all the blame.

Why can't you just love me?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rasaksa or raksasa?

current mood : angry, sad, dissappointed.

sunshine will come my way. InsyaAllah.

it just a heavy rain with thunder and storm.

im waiting for my rainbow and butterfly.

chill naz.

love :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


This is how I look when I become a clown... Patut tak tukar profession sebagai clown? Hmph!

Perkara yang saya benci sekarang:

1. Buat final year project

2. Limited $$$

3. Cinta hati selalu busy (ni paling benci)

4. Tepaksa control makan untuk jaga badan

5. Tak dapat2 gold dalam challenge mode burgershop

Banyaknya kebencian..........

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Open House Part 2

Yeay! Open house lagi! So, tadi pergi rumah Ita. Makan nasi beryani and soto. Puding nata de coco sedap! Lepas tu terus pergi larkin, rumah atok. Sangat gembira bersama nonod, mira, ina, lisa and the rest of SMP peeps. (Mula-mula rasa malu lepas tu terus jadi tak malu!)

With Lisa yang tersangat happy-go-lucky

The girls. Berwarna warni semua orang!

Dekat rumah atok. Pertemuan mira kecik dan mira yang memang budak kecik! Huhu.

Candid from mira. Sangat suka pic ni. Thanx mira!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Open House

Ah.... Kenyang and best! 2 words that describe my feeling right now. Baru balik dari aishah's open house. Makan memang tak ingat! I will forget others bile jumpa kambing. Me and kambing have secret love food affair! Haha. And the best part is..................... DAPAT DUIT RAYA!! Yeay. Thanx Aisha. You're a great host. Enjoy the pics.
Muka hepi dpt dwet raya
With lyana
Nadia, Aishah, si tembam
Muka2 kenyang
Pantang nampak camera!

Friday, October 2, 2009


Thank you love

Thank you love for your love. Thank you for still holding my hands and treat me well even when im turning into monster. Thank you for your ears listening to my whining and complaining. Thank you for your lips smiling to me and comfort me with your words. Thank you for choosing me as your special girl. Thank you for believing and faith in our relationship. Thank you love.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Quote of the day

Self made motivation quote that I stick at my desk.

My favourite poster beside my desk.

The 'o-that-thing-is-called-that' that I accidently knew in branding class:
1. Hummer. (Now only I know that 'car' is Hummer)
2. Odissi Dance. (Traditional Indian Dance)
3. FGCG. (stands for fast growing consumer goods such as P&G, Unilever, etc)
4. Camouflage. (Celoreng! Haha. This one funny cuz I always found this word while reading and
Im too lazy to find the meaning in the dictionary!)
Hari ni rajin sebab tak ponteng class! Proud of it. Hehe.