I had read a quote that say:
"If someone hate you, it simply because of 2 reasons, either you did something to them or they are just plainly jelous with you."
But I didn't agree with it. What if I hate someone is simply because of their attitude? They did nothing to me and I have nothing to be jelous of that person. Sometime I just hate people for no specific reason. I mean, I just dont like that person. The word hate is quite harsh for me. Im a mellow person, remember? ;)
Enoughla with this. Tak world peace langsung kan? hee..
Ok. Ok. Tiba2 rasa hari ni nak meluahkan perasaan. Im not a kind of person who like the whole world to know how I feel. But today its exeption. Btw, takdela the whole world read my blog pun. Mgkn tiada lgsg kot orang baca kecuali myself. Haha.
Sebenarnye bagus meluahkan persaan. Semua orang ade bad days kan? So normal lah. So far, I tak pernah baca blog org yang entry dia always je happy. Mesti ade yg down.
I hate myself sometime. My mood is easily affected by my other half. I hate it when it happen. Why can't I just be happy while he's not? Ah, benci!! When this thing happen, I always ask myself, 'can we keep it up with each other?' or 'is he really the one?' banyak suara2 jahat di kotak fikiran.
But amazingly, all this suara jahat will dissapear when I think about us deeply. Entahla...
Sampai bila suara2 jahat ni terus meracuni fikiran? itu yang kita tak tahu.
Bila sedih2 macam ni, automaticly rindu rumah and family. Hebat kan kuasa keluarga? Takde support system sehebat family.
Kesimpulannya, korang simpulkan sendiri ye. Goodnite everyone! Muachx!