Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Why not?

I am blessed and thankful. Alhamdullilah.

Allah had send me people that I need the most in the time like this. You see, life is never easy. If it is easy, then we all going to heaven. Its a test. A test of faith. It was quoted from a very supportive and beautiful friend of mine.

Be happy whenever Allah test you. For that means He remember and watching over you. Don't be afraid of the test. It will make u close to Him. And remember, after every difficulties there will be relief. Be patient. As good things only happen to people with patient. InshaAllah.

Like yesterday, I met my previous boss in previous company where I work and as always, he gave me wise advise and thoughts. I couldn't be happier. I met a few of my ex-colleagues too. Sharing stories and thoughts make me realise things. It is like chicken soup for the soul. (Am I exaggerated?)

And how about that long break from blogging? I mean who am I kidding? This blog is like my baby. Beside this is not a commercial blog and this blog had written my journey through this life. I bet nobody give a damn about this little diary of mine. So, I dont see reason I should abandon my baby. Unless I have been extremely busy. =P

Until now.


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