Monday, January 21, 2013

Doa Rajin Solat


It's been awhile! I've started being busy again with new work and stuff. My play time for fmsphotoaday pun dah terbuat since I tak sempat nak focus and all that. But, I did post a few in my instagram. ;)

Anyway, I nak share something interesting (at least to me) on doa for prayers. I've got this from my friend's FB and he shared a story of a woman giving on tips on how to make your children pray on their own. She practice the doa since before she were married and her children now did their prayer on their own without reminders and quarrel.

I am on stage on improving my relationship with our creator, the All Mighty Allah. I always adore how my parents always emphasize on their prayers and also any muslim who take their prayer seriously.

Hopefully, we will not be careless on our prayer time after this. Just a gentle reminder for myself and all my friends.

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