Monday, December 5, 2011

Perfect Situation

Back in the days,
Things were less complicated,
Things were easier.
We dream a lot,
We fantasized a lot,
We knew obstacle will come,
But we often said to ourselves,
"Nah, we'll get through it".

Back in the days,
It was fun,
We invest so much,
The energy, the love, everything,
Not realizing,
That every investment has it own risk.
The more you invest,
The painful or more joyful you get.

Now here we are,
In pain, crying for help,
Screaming for answer.
We change,
Things change,
But that doesn't mean a bad thing.
We change because we grow.
We found that reality is brutal,
Harsh and wasn't very kind.

Now here we are,
Hoping that we'll understand,
Hoping to understand each other,
Hoping we'll survive this,
Like any other day before.

Now here I am,
Writing for both side.
Assuming that is what both party feel.
Which I could be wrong.
Which it is only I feeling it.

Now here I am,
Standing on this storm.
Praying on the mat,
Crying in my heart,
Searching to be better,
Hoping we'll grow stronger,
To face the challenge,
Like any other creature.

I hope I will be a better person.
For myself.
For him,
For us.

-The End-

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