Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Chocolate & Strawberries


I am back in my hometown and alhamdullilah, I am happier. :D Thinking about my last adventure in Sibu, it was priceless, memorable experience.

I love my new post too, doing marketing where my passion is. My boss is kinda cool too. *ehem, baru 2hari kerja memangla beb!*

This weekend, I'll be down south celebrating my darling's convocation. weewoooweee! :D *I love you sayang if you reading this! xoxo*

After work, went to tutti frutti. Yes, it was my first time, so excited lah. Love the chocolate ice cream and for topping; strawberries, caramel and cashew.

Wish me luck for tomorrow's event. ICC Convention. Will meet my Sibu team mates. Yeay!

p/s - I have appoint a personal trainer to help me shaping up. Haha. Hope it work this time. :P

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