Friday, August 28, 2009


Arghh! Im so stupid in technology! I dont even know how to post a video here! Adoi.... Nak gune youtube, my acc mcm ade prob n im too lazy to open up new mail acc. duh! I had save a video from youtube using real player download. The prob arise when i dont know where the hell is the file!! bencinye!!!!!

P/s-currently obsess with fiona apple, across the universe.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Selamat berpuasa semua!! I just got back from sweet home. Duh. I had a flu and light fever during my short holidays at home. Kesian taw! I dont have a chance to go to bazaar ramadhan to buy kuih. Hukhuk. Its ok. Cuz what is more important, I had recover. I'm strong and healthy! yeah! Alhamdullilah...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fish Spa

Semalam, me n d gang (which is jez nonod n leha) hang out kat sutera mall. Tak plan pun nk pergi, tapi hari tu rase nk jalan2 sementara tunggu kaunter tiket bas balik kl buka lepas lunch. Masa nak balik, lalu kat kedai spa fish. Ala. yg rendam kaki kat kolam n biar ikan gigit2 kaki tuh..

Ada 2 jenis ikan. Ikan besar dari turki dan ikan kecik dari jepun. I love japanese fish more in the cold water. Ikan turkey dalam air suam. Sebabnye, ikan turki sgt menggelikan!! I could not stop laughing. Gelak je. Sampai uncle kat sebelah tego.

"Lu jangan asek gelak. Nanti lu lugi lo. Ini ikan geli sikit je."

But, sorry uncle. Nak gelak jugak. Sebab mmg geli gle kaki time tuh. Hehe. Another thing that happen on dat day, org2 kedai kat sutera mall sume ckp cine dgn aku. Nak kate aku mcm cina, tak pon. Sah2 aku ni muka melayu jawa. Haha. 2, 3 kali plak tu ckp cina.

Dalam kedai kasut A:

Sales Girl : cincong cincong (cakap cina)

Myself : Senyum je sambil belek2 kasut.

Sales Girl : cincong cincong (cakap cina lg cume tym tu dy dtg dekat n tunjuk tanda sale).
Myself : Senyum lagi sambil berkata dlm hati mgkn dy tak pandai cakap melayu.

Sales Girl : Aiya, lu melayu ka?

Myself : Ya lo...

Sales Girl : Aiya, itu pasal lu senyap. Wa igt lu cina punya org!
Myself : Senyum lagi n berkata wa bukan cina la...wa melayu. Tp dalam hati aku pelik nape dy kate aku cina.

Kedai baju B dan C

Sales Girl : Alo miss, bla...bla...bla...(ckp cina).

Myself : Senyum dan belah je pastu. Malas dah nak tengok.

Enjoy the pictures!
Bersama leha yg ramah berbual dgn uncle kat sebelah. leha yg paling steady dlm menghadapi kegelian ikan di kaki.

Ikan2 jepun yang riang hisap sel kulit mati di kaki.

Right to left :- kakiku, kaki leha, kaki nonod.

p/s- i miss home. will b thre soon. cant wait!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Anger in Silence

I dont know how to start this but my heart aching, bleeding but still my heart try to deny the pain. I thougt what I did was an improvement but as the result, it turn out to be the worst thing I should have done.

I try to be a girl who manage to smile even the world around me collapse.

I try to be the best for him.

I try to understand.

I try to change my bad habit.

I try and try.. Maybe it just not enough.

Maybe I just thougt all my effort are a lot but actually they are not. I dont know what should I say. Because all of my words are seem to be just pain in the ass. I want to cry, but I cant. I want to cry so badly until my tears are like ocean. But I cant.

I miss my family.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009

H for happy

Happy. Thats my mood for today. Huhu. Da lame x happy mcm hari ni. Sebab dapat jumpe felt!! Rupa-rupanya dekat kedai dekat ni pun ade. Ceh. So, my morning start with a phone call from my sister. Pagi2 da kaco org. Then rai ajak pi sutera mall n bukit indah. At first mcm mls nk pegi, tp pegi gak. And rs bes sgt. Haha. Mcm pergi mane je besh sgt. Esok kena buat all my assignment. Doink!
With raihana the

Soda black top, thrifted grey shirt, FOS owl necklace, checkers halter(wear as skirt), red bow handbag, summit white gladiator.

cute ice cream brooch (baru beli kat sutera mall)

new tshirts and necklace

finally, dapat jugak cari felt!!!!!

ok. nak pergi mandi. aileviu!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Gloomy Monday

I dont know why I'm feelin lonely. I have enough love from my boy and my besties but suddenly today i still feelin gloomy. Jangan dilayan sangat perasaan ni. No good. Btw, I had start part time in Kumon. I dont know whether it is a wise decision. Just wait and see hows things work out after this. I miss home. I miss warm hug. =(

This what i wear to class today, my mum's clasic baju kurung, red bag and nose wedges.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Use what's been given to you


Risaunye apabila memikirkan kamu.

I wonder what my life would be.

I wonder when will i get married.

I wonder will I get whatever I desire.

I wonder ..........................................................

Cheer up. Whatever will be. Will be. =)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A fine saturday

Hari ni macam hari2 biasa cuma siang tadi pergi jalan2 kat cs bersama nonod. Ye. Saya telah bershoppin tp cuma 2 item saje saya beli. (tepuk2 sbb xbli byk brg). Saya telah membeli cardigan putih di padini dan juga rantai owl di F.O.S. Td igt nak mam, tp melihat perutku yang tidak juga kempis membuatkan niat tu terbatal secara otomatik. Telah menonton the proposal. Movie ini best. Saya sudah jatuh cinta dengan Andrew Patron.

Sebelum itu, saya telah pergi interbiu jd cikgu kat pusat tusyen. Saya cuma jadi guru ganti yg akan di call pada bila masa diperlukan. sigh~ tapela. Asalkan jd cikgu. Haha.

Sebenarnya tga sgt geram dgn cinta hati. Dia manusia pelik yg tak bagi jumpe dia di kolej saya sendiri. Mungkin dia malu saya ni gurfren dia. Adoi. Kasihannya saya.

Oh, saya juga telah membeli dress. Tapi posmen belum bagi pada saya lagi. Sekian dulu. Selamat tido semua.