Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Another 2!

Yeay!! I've got another 2 good news for me today. Eh, wait. Another 3 lah. Hehe.. Lets hear it shall we?

1. I've got an offer doing my practical training in News straits time! yeay! I like this place better tahn Bank Rakyat, the one that I'm suppose to.

2. I LOST 2KG TODAY!!!!! Gorgeous!!

3. My hair got a new look. Pampered her in the saloon. Give her colored. I will post the pic later, k.

But, I also got bad news. A lot of work NEED to be SETTLE that have to submit this friday. duh..


shea said...

gila best kat NST!kte ade apply xdpt ctu~

Bukan Primadona said...

well shea, its no longer a good news for me... I already reject it as it is too late. banyak kene settle dkt fakulti, so i miss out my chance. =(