Time Traveller's Wife
The Fourth Kind
Pisau Cukur
The Box
And I love all the movies and my favourite is The Box. But actually the rest is ok la, not that really love to bits. Hehe.
Pisau Cukur is worth to watched. Time Traveller's Wife ok la. Its a bit like Benjamin Button. Its by Brad Pitt anyway. 2012 ok jugak. Tapi tadela the end of the world namanya if ada orang survived! Fourt kind takot! I cant sleep that night sebab teringat cerita tu. Tapi Im disappointed bile taw its not really true. And the box, cameron diaz still pretty even dia dah nmpk tua, and the hero sangat cute!!! Saya sangat suka! Love love! And I love the fashion in the movie. Retro.
Till we meet again next time. Tulu!